Crime Victims Reparation Commission

Welcome to the

Crime Victims Reparation Commission

Welcome to the

Crime Victims Reparation Commission

Welcome to the

Crime Victims Reparation Commission

Welcome to the

What is CVRC?

CVRC is dedicated to providing a variety of services to victims of crime. Our primary mission is to provide financial assistance to victims of violent crime in regard to expenses incurred as a result of being victimized.


Sexual Assault Services Programs (SASP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Request for Proposal

SASP Violence Against Women Formula Grant
Federal Grant # 15JOVW-24-GG-00496-SASP
WebGrants RFP ID#29888
Issuance Date: February 24, 2025

FY2026 SASP Request for Proposal Information 

3-27-25 Commission Agenda: Click Below

What should I do if I am a victim?

We provide financial assistance to victims of violent crime with expenses incurred as a result of their victimization.

View our resources and the Compensation Application page to learn more.

Purple asters buffeted by golden sunset light at Bandelier National Monument, NM

Opportunities for Statewide Projects

NMCVRC leverages state funds to support programming and infrastructure for projects to improve services to survivors.



Commission Meetings

Comp/EAF Trainings